martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

An Idea!!

Create a photo collage!! Use your summary from Task 4 and paste a picture in connection to it.
Go to:

You will be surprised!!

Do children have rights?

Do you like it?
Do your best and get one at:

Good Luck!!

Why don´t you create a BLOG?

Just click here:

follow the steps and that's it. Easy,  isn't it?

Secuencia Didáctica

EES N°41

2° “C”

Teaching sequence:

The students have already dealt with the topic in CDC, since it has been worked in both subjects, but from different perspectives.  The project is connected with the creation of “Centro de Estudiantes”                                                                                                               


Theme: Children Rights

Topic: Child Labour and Rights

Axis: El Inglés y el uso de los Recursos Tecnológicos

Final Task: Students will create a Topic Image Dictionary with simple sentences and explanations in English for each entry for their Blog

Pre task

Students work in groups. The T sends the following photograph to one of Ss’ screen. Each group has to look at it and share with the class their ideas about the topic.

Picture 1

Core Task:

Task 1:

The T tells the students they are going to watch a video from NDTV It’s about the murder of 10-year-old Moin in Delhi. Many children in India work in hazardous factories and workshops across the country. This video is a look at the life and journey of some of these children.

While watching:

a)      Ss will try to take note of any word they hear connected with the theme.

After watching:

b)       Ss will work in groups and compare the words they have written down. Then, one member of each group will read aloud the words selected according to their relevance to the topic.

c)      Then each group will down load another video connected with the topic so as to be posted in the class Blog.

Task 2:

What about creating a word cloud using WORDLE? Include those words you have selected. After that, they will see their partners cloud and give them their opinion.

Make your own glossary. This will be used for the creation of a Topic Image Dictionary (Final Task).

Task 3:

a)      Let´s read for a while!

A)    Implementation of International Rights of the Child

Argentina ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child[6] (CRC) in 1990, and it was included in the National Constitution in 1994.[7] But, it took some time for the country to implement the legal and financial commitments towards the protection of children’s rights.

The General Protection System created by Law 26061 is a set of public policies that consider girls, boys, and adolescents as subjects with rights. Its purpose is to guarantee the full exercise and enjoyment of the children’s rights.

This is the first statute, with a clear definition of the responsibilities of the family, society, and the government in reference to the universal rights of the children.

B)    Types of rights

Children's rights are defined in numerous ways:

·         Children have the right to:

1.      an adequate standard of living

2.      health care

3.      education

4.      play

·         Children have the right to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination.

·         Children have the right to participate in communities. This includes children's involvement in libraries and community programs, youth voice activities, and involving children as decision-makers.[16][17]

C)    Age of Majority

The age of majority declared in law is the moment when minors are not children any more. It is the moment when the legal control of parents is over. Most countries set majority at 18, but ages as low as 16 and as high as 21 also exist.

b)      Match the words with their definitions:

1)      Ratified (paragraph A)

2)      Commitment (paragraph A)

3)      Implement (paragraph A)

4)      Policies (paragraph A)

5)      Abuse (paragraph B)

6)      Involvement (paragraph B)

a)      Physical maltreatment.

b)      To approve, confirm.

c)      To engage as a participant, include.

d)     An obligation, promise, etc. that restricts one's freedom of action

e)      A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters.

f)       To put into practical effect; carry out.

Task 4:

a)      To know something else about this click on these links and read a bit more. Work in pairs  and try to find some new facts

Now, looking at picture 1 and picture 2 compare them and  answer the following questions:
 Picture 1                                                                       Picture 2

1.      Imagine their names

2.      Are they children or adults?

3.      Could they be any of your mates here in Argentina?

4.      Why do you think they aren´t at school?

5.      What’re they doing?

6.      Where must they be?

7.      Write a tittle for each photograph

Then write with your mate a short paragraph about the rights that the child in picture 1 you believe is not enjoying.

Follow up:

Now, Ss will select at least 20 words from the lesson and create a puzzle from Jigsaw Planet. Then, they will write the new words in the word bank and write a simple definition for each one in their own words. Then, they will look for an image which best represents the words they had selected, they will be saved to be used for the Final Task.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Let´s read for a while!

A)    Implementation of International Rights of the Child

Argentina ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child[6] (CRC) in 1990, and it was included in the National Constitution in 1994.[7] But, it took some time for the country to implement the legal and financial commitments towards the protection of children’s rights.

The General Protection System created by Law 26061 is a set of public policies that consider girls, boys, and adolescents as subjects with rights. Its purpose is to guarantee the full exercise and enjoyment of the children’s rights.

This is the first statute, with a clear definition of the responsibilities of the family, society, and the government in reference to the universal rights of the children.

B)    Types of rights

Children's rights are defined in numerous ways:

·         Children have the right to:

1.      an adequate standard of living

2.      health care

3.      education

4.      play

·         Children have the right to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination.

·         Children have the right to participate in communities. This includes children's involvement in libraries and community programs, youth voice activities, and involving children as decision-makers.[16][17]

C)    Age of Majority

The age of majority declared in law is the moment when minors are not children any more. It is the moment when the legal control of parents is over. Most countries set majority at 18, but ages as low as 16 and as high as 21 also exist.

To know more about this click on these links:

Match the words with their definitions:

1)      Ratified (paragraph A)

2)      Commitment (paragraph A)

3)      Implement (paragraph A)

4)      Policies (paragraph A)

5)      Abuse (paragraph B)

6)      Involvement (paragraph B)

a)      Physical maltreatment.

b)      To approve, confirm.

c)      To engage as a participant, include.

d)     An obligation, promise, etc. that restricts one's freedom of action

e)      A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters.

f)       To put into practical effect; carry out.